Occupational Products by VISCOLAS®
Viscolas is the only visco-elastic polymer expressly formulated for orthopaedic application. Reproducing the shock attenuating properties of the fatty pads on the bottom of the foot, Viscolas effectively dissipates the skeletal shock and reverberations that occur with each step, and equalizes underfoot pressures. Use of Viscolas has proven to speed post operative recovery of the foot, leg, and lower-back, reduce symptoms of heel strike injuries such as tendonitis and skin splints, and provide effective soft tissue cushioning under foot. In trial after trial, Viscolas has been proven to provide significantly better shock absorbing efficiency than any other visco-elastic polymer. Insoles made of Viscolas are the ones most prescribed by orthopaedic surgeons, therapists, and other health professionals. And, they are the insoles most chosen for personal use by the staffs of leading orthopaedic facilities.
In the Workplace
With every step, a shock wave is generated through the entire body column. When the ground surface is hard, much of the body’s natural shock absorbing capacity is lost. The buffer between foot and ground is minimized and “skeletal shock” occurs, punishing the whole body column and causing pain and fatigue in the foot, legs, and back.Did you Know
- Studies reveal that the skeletal shock produced by simple every day walking on hard surfaces is one of the major contributing causes of the common backache among workers.
- “Skeletal Shock”, or chronic overload, is a result of repeated impact of the foot against hard surfaces. Skeletal shock can cause pain in the entire body column (foot, ankle, knee, hip and spine). It can lead to foot pain such as plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia, painful heels, Achilles tendonitis and also a variety of joint ailments such as joint degeneration and osteoarthritis.
- When walking, running or jumping, a person weighs from one half to ten times his normal standing or “dead” weight. This added weight and varying pattern of heel strike is imposed on the bottom of the foot, which is unequipped to withstand such repeated stresses. Even standing, the foot carries more than the ordinary “dead” weight of the body. Because we unconsciously shift our weight, we create stress concentrations on small parts of the foot. Seldom is weight distributed evenly over the whole sole.